Monday, November 23, 2009

Are You For Or Against Homosexuality?

Are You For Or Against Homosexuality?
Speak About It !!!

I'm doing a little research and I'm trying to figure out a couple things can you please help me out by giving me your thoughts and answering a few questions or which ever questions you would like to touch on please and thank you i look forward to seeing the public responses :) press comments to view comments and post on this blog

1. Are you for or against homosexuality? Why or why not?

2.Do you think being a homosexual is a choice?

3. If religious why are homosexuals put down in many religions?

4.Do you believe in homosexuality being a Disease, Not normal?, Straight up wrong??
Spill your thoughts tell me why?


  1. Kathy, This blog is a great idea. Here are some responses to the questions you asked. Keep me in the loop, Dana

    1. Are you for or against homosexuality? Why or why not?
    I'm for supporting all people and supporting them and their their actions unless they are harmful.

    2.Do you think being a homosexual is a choice?

    3. If religious why are homosexuals put down in many religions?
    In the bible (Leviticus 18:22) it is translated: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

    My interpretation is that man shall not lay with another man as he does with a woman because it is physically impossible. The bible is always up for interpretation and this line isn't explicit enough to renounce homosexuality.

    4.Do you believe in homosexuality being a Disease, Not normal?, Straight up wrong??
    Spill your thoughts tell me why?
    No, I don't think homosexuality is a disease or not normal or wrong. What's wrong is when others judge people based on their sexuality.

  2. 1. Are you for or against homosexuality? Why or why not?

    I'm for people being open and expressive of what they are fundamentally. I'm for nonjudgement and understanding. I think being against homosexuality is living in fear, and that sucks.

    2.Do you think being a homosexual is a choice?

    Good question. Is preferring vanilla ice cream to chocolate ice cream a choice? I'm not sure we are always able to consciously choose what it is that attracts us.

    3. If religious why are homosexuals put down in many religions?

    Religions are real good at using fear as fuel for whatever the hell they want to do.

    4.Do you believe in homosexuality being a Disease, Not normal?, Straight up wrong??
    Spill your thoughts tell me why?

    People are terrified of many things, sexuality is an arena of life where people are particularly terrified. There is nothing wrong with any life if it is lived with care and compassion.


  3. I am for homosexuality because people should havea chose to whom they should date not to date.

  4. 1. Are you for or against homosexuality? Why or why not?
    -- I'm all for it! (that's a strange way of phrasing the question (and the blog title, so what else can I say?
    Well, I'm all for people finding their true selves and being honest in their relationships with others.

    2.Do you think being a homosexual is a choice?
    -- No. Sexual orientation is innate. "Being a homosexual" is no more a choice than being a heterosexual.

    3. If religious why are homosexuals put down in many religions?
    -- Religion is inherently bigoted on many fronts; it operates on fear to control. Religious leaders promulgates false info about those their congregations are ignorant of. (I left religion seven years before I "came out".)

    4.Do you believe in homosexuality being a Disease, Not normal?, Straight up wrong??
    -- Homosexuality is normal for homosexuals. It is no more a disease, or abnormal or wrong than heterosexuality is.
